AB 1933 (Gordon, 2011-12) - Bottle Bill Enforcement

This bill is an enforcement bill to reduce fraud from recyclers attempting to import and redeem beverage containers in CA. This measure would lower the load limit a person can import beverage containers into the state before reporting to CalRecycle, and also requires documentation of the source and destination of the material.

This bill also address handling fees for recyclers. Handling fee is a subsidy to Convenient zone recyclers (recycler operating at supermarket locations).CalRecycle reduced handling fee payment on July 1, 2012. However, the handling fee cost calculation used outdated cost data. Reducing the handling fee will hurt recyclers since recent cost prices have gone up for three primary materials (glass, HDPE, PET).

Position and Status.

CAW-sponsored bill.  Passed the legislature with unanimous bipartisan support and signed into law by the Governor in September.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Teresa Bui (916) 443-5422

Assembly Member Gordon
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814

Californians Against Waste (sponsor) 
California Grocers Association
Earthwize Recycling 
CA Retailers Association

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