Oct 22 - San Mateo County Holds Hearing on Reusable Bag Ordinance Tues

Tomorrow morning, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will have a hearing and first reading of its Reusable Bag Ordinance.

The reusable bag ordinance seeks to reduce single-use bag waste and litter, which cost Californians millions each year in cleanups and inflated product prices.

The ordinance would ban plastic bags and require all retail stores to charge for paper and reusable bags in unincorporated San Mateo County starting April 22, 2013.

Additionally, its environmental study enables 24 cities in and near the County to adopt a similar ordinance, potentially adding more than 1 million Californians to the number of residents covered under bag ordinances. Read more about the study here.

If approved, the ordinance could be considered for adoption at the next Board meeting on November 6. Read an article on the ordinance.

Let the Board of Supervisors know you support the Reusable Bag Ordinance and take action.

You can also attend the meeting and make a public comment in support. See the agenda and ordinance language on the Board's website. The hearing starts at 9 am in the Hall of Justice (400 County Center, Redwood City, CA).

Lanh Nguyen