Jan 18 - Lake County adopts "Extended Producer Responsibility" Measure

Earlier this month, the Lake County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution supporting Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Lake County now joins the collective of 122 Californian cities and counties who currently have adopted similar measures.

"All stakeholders in the product chain need to share in the responsibility whether it's the producer creating a greener design, local government providing public education, retailers, or the consumers returning the product for recycling," stated Denise Rushing, District 3 Supervisor in an article in Lake County News.

CAW applauds this effort, as we have consistently supported legislation expanding the manufacturer's responsibility of their products from "cradle to grave," including: the Paint Stewardship Act of 2010, the Carpet Stewardship Act of 2010, and the Mercury Thermostats Collection Act of 2008.

To read more about Lake County's recent efforts to reduce waste in their community, click here.

Lanh Nguyen