Sep 23 - California Study Concludes Soda Consumption Linked to Obesity

A new California study produced the most direct links yet between the consumption of soda and obesity. Using sampling data from 42,000 subjects spread across the state, the study determined that 56% of adults and 30% of all children in the state are obese, and that obesity was more likely in those who consumed sugary soda beverages.

For both adults and adolescents, rates of overweight and obesity are 18% higher among those who drink one or more sodas every day compared to those who do not drink soda. Among adults, 62% of those who drink one or more sodas daily are either overweight or obese compared to 52% of adults who do not drink soda. Among adolescents, 32% of those who consume at least one soda per day are either overweight or obese, while 27% of those who consume no sodas on a typical day are either overweight or obese.

The study was produced in collaboration between the California Center for Public Health Advocacy and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. The correlation between soda consumption and obesity, along with other negative health consequences, does not come as a surprise to many. But this is one of the first large scale studies ever done that provides compelling scientific evidence.

Read the Policy Brief from the study's authors

Lanh Nguyen