Oct 29 - New York City Considering Bag Recycling Law

Two New York City Council Members have introduced city-wide legislation that would duplicate California's AB 2449 recycling law in America's largest city, writes Sewell Chan of the New York Times. The proposed law would require large New York City supermarkets to provide recycling for plastic bags and would promote the use of reusable bags. Americans use nearly 400 billion plastic bags annually, very few of which are recycled. In addition, plastic bag's aerodynamic qualities have made them a ubiquitous and deadly form of litter.

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Some California cities have chosen to address this problem material through bans. However, the cities of Oakland and Fairfax are currently being forced to defend their new plastic bag bans against lawsuits brought by a consortium of plastic bag manufacturers.

CAW and Plastic Bags:

Lanh Nguyen