Apr 10 - Letters needed for Fast Food Packaging Reduction Legislation

AB 904 (Feuer), which would reduce fast food packaging litter and waste will be heard in Assembly Natural Resources Committee Monday, April 23.

Marine debris is a growing problem for California's $43 billion ocean-dependent economy and a drag on local governments, which have spent hundreds of millions of dollars cleaning it up. Marine debris is a growing environmental hazard that has already killed millions of marine animals. This is a problem that needs to be solved in our cities: takeout food packaging is the second greatest component of litter behind tobacco products and 80% of marine debris is land-sourced, with the majority coming from litter in the form of urban runoff.

AB 904 aims to reduce the amount of litter entering our oceans by requiring a switch in takeout food packaging to recyclable/compostable materials.

Letters are needed now…

Lanh Nguyen