SB 353 (Dodd)


SB 353 adds 100% fruit juice containers over 46oz, and vegetable juice containers over 16oz to the CRV program, creating over 200 million new redemption opportunities annually. 

Additionally, the bill addresses two fiscal issues facing CA recyclers. It authorizes CalRecycle to adjust processing payments using a 3 or 12-month average scrap value, whichever number provides a higher payment to recyclers. SB 353 will also provide temporary payments of $60/ton to rural recycling centers to offset the high cost of glass transport and operating costs. 


Updating the definition of ‘beverage’ to strike the current exemption for specified juice containers will substantially increase the recycling of the targeted containers and reduce consumer confusion. The bill also addresses the current scrap-value crisis that affects small and medium-volume recycling centers’ financial viability.


Position: Strongly supported by Californians Against Waste
Contact: Mark Murray & Liv Butler

STATUS: Signed by the Governor

Current language, analysis, and votes:  SB 353