AB 660 (Irwin)


AB 660 requires food manufacturers to use uniform terminology when labeling their products with "safety" or "quality" dates, and bans the use of consumer-facing "sell-by" dates.


Studies show that 20% of all avoidable food waste is caused by consumer confusion over expiration dates, and streamlining these dates will reduce food waste, financial losses to consumers, and methane emissions from food rotting in landfills.

See related legislation: AB 2577 (Irwin) Regulating Expiration Dates

Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin introduces AB 660 Streamlining Date Labels

Position: Co-sponsored by Californians Against Waste & Natural Resources Defense Council
Nick Lapis

Status: Referred to Senate Agriculture Committee

Current language, analysis, and votesAB 660

Contact the Senate Agriculture Committee to show your support in ending unnecessary food waste due to confusing expiration dates.