Dec 3 - Enough Cyber Monday, It's #GivingTuesday

Black Friday, Shop Local Saturday, Cyber Monday.

It’s no surprise that advertising-dependent media tries to cultivate a sense of urgency for Buying More Stuff—like it’s a matter of economic patriotism.

Last week, we set aside one day for giving thanks and then spent three days thinking about shopping. Enough! Giving Tuesday is a chance to pause and give back to the people and causes that are working to make our world a better place.

Consider helping us in our work by making a tax deductible gift to Californian’s Against Waste today.

Your donation ensures that our team of policy advocates and organizers has the resources to be there for the long haul, developing, advocating and helping implement solutions for reducing pollution and waste and building a sustainable economy.

And if you've already contributed to CAW this season: Thank You! We greatly appreciate your faith and support.

Mark Murray
Executive Director
Californians Against Waste

P.S. There are many great organizations out there that need your support. Here are the groups CAW Board members and staff are supporting today. Please consider them during this season of giving:

Algalita Marine Research Institute
California League of Conservation Voters
California Environmental Justice Alliance
Earthshare California
Natural Resources Defense Council
Save the Bay

Lanh Nguyen