Jun 2 â€" CIWMB Meeting for Proposed Revisions to Final SB 20 Regs

To implement provisions of the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003, the Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) adopted revised emergency regulations, which were last discussed in February to implement as final regulations. The CIWMB held a 45-day open comment period for stakeholders, which closed May 8, 2006, and a public hearing was held May 9, 2006.

As a result of comments received, program staff is proposing several revisions to the proposed regulations. These proposed revisions will be heard at the CIWMB's Sustainability and Market Development Committee meeting.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006:
Cal EPA Building in Sacramento
Byron Sher Auditorium (2nd floor)

The CIWMB also has the authority to readjust the fees and reimbursement rates, if the fees/rates are not adequately sustaining the E-Waste Program. CIWMB's Sustainability and Market Development Committee will consider the Fee and Payment Rates on June 6, 2006. 

Lanh Nguyen