Nov 27 - Belmont Council to Introduce Bag Ordinance on Tues

Another city in San Mateo County is following the County's lead and looking at a reusable bag ordinance.

The City of Belmont, CA, with a population of just over 25,000, will introduce and consider the ordinance at tonight's council meeting.

The ordinance, modeled after the County ordinance, would ban plastic bags in all retail stores and place a small charge on paper and reusable bags.

The meeting starts at 7:30 pm in the City Council Chambers (One Twin Pines Lane, Belmont, CA). See the agenda on the website (Item 10A).

Want to support a bag ban in Belmont?

  • Attend the meeting and make a short public statement, thanking council for their leadership and urging them to take a stand against plastic bag pollution.
  • Spend a few quick minutes to send them an email. You can also personalize your message. Take action here.

Support other local plastic pollution ordinances on our Take Action page.

Lanh Nguyen