Mar 20 - CAW Marine Debris Bills Need Support Letters

Several important marine debris bills are headed to their first policy committees in the California Legislature, and they need your support! They include:

AB 2505 (Brownley) - PVC Phase-out: Phases out the use of toxic, non-recycled PVC consumer packaging. Asm ESTM 4/1. Letters needed: Now! [Sample Letter]

AB 2058 (Levine) - Plastic Bag Litter Reduction: Requires retailers to drastically reduce and recycle plastic bags or they will be required to charge a significant per bag fee. Asm NR 4/7. Letters needed: 3/31. [Sample Letter]

SB 1625 (Corbett) - Bottle Bill Update: Updates California's successful Bottle and Can Recycling Law by, among other expected fixes, clarifying the way recycling rates are calculated. Sen EQ 4/1. Letters needed: 3/31. [Sample Letter]


Lanh Nguyen