Jun 14 - MAC Letter and Focused Technical Discussion

We have submitted a letter in response to the Market Advisory Committee's draft recommendations. In our letter, we highlighted two major concerns that we had with the MAC's report:

  1. By excluding landfills from a carbon cap but allowing landfill gas capture to be an offset, the cap-and-trade system would incentivize the landfilling of organics. Offsets from landfill gas capture should not be allowed unless the ARB determines that this would result in actual, additional, and verifiable greenhouse gas reductions
  2. Given its extensive existing infrastructure, effectiveness, popular support, and economic benefits, recycling is a very efficient and cost-effective means for achieving the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals. The MAC should establish a framework for incorporating recycling's greenhouse gas benefits as offsets in a cap-and-trade system

Public comments on the report are due tomorrow. They can be e-mailed to climatechange@calepa.ca.gov .

Also, the landfill technical discussion on Friday will no longer be in Training Room 1. It has been moved to the Sierra Hearing Room on the second floor.


Lanh Nguyen